Holiday Updates
Updates regarding the holiday season and what to expect in the new year

• 📆 Posted on: December 10, 2023

• 🍿 Approximately a: 3 min read

Hello everyone, hope you all are ready and excited for the christmas holidays, as we count down the days our staff team is going to be slowing down and members will be unavailable as we all spend some time with our friends, family and loved ones!

Staff/Support Availability

We understand that you may need support during these times and we will do everything we can to make sure you receive it in a timely fashion, however we do ask that you respect the fact that their may be delays in response times due to staff availability during the following dates:

  1. - December 24th: Christmas Eve

  2. - December 25th: Christmas Day

  3. - December 31st: New Year's Eve

  4. - January 1st: New Year's Day

Our Plans Moving Forward

We look forward to the new year and what it has in store for the CordX services as a whole, i honestly can not believe that we have been around for 2 years but i do appreciate all of your love and support as myself and our entire team work to make this the best service it can be!

You should keep your eyes open in the new year because we have a lot of awesome things planned including finally migrating our beta website into its production stages which just that alone will open up a ton of new features and opportunities.

What You Can Expect

Obviously we don't want to leak to much information but i will drop a list of a few of our planned changes below:

  1. - Shared Uploads: Allows users to decide if uploads should be displayed on their public profile

  2. - Public Profiles: This feature has already been rolled out and allows you to share your profile with the world

  3. - Advanced Settings: Allows you to better configure your sharex/cordx experience and update things like your webhooks

Ending Statements

Thank you all once again for another year of fun and adventures as we watch CordX grow into the amazing service it has become today and what it continues to grow into. Our team as a whole look forward to continue providing you with exceptional services and experiences